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"An Arrow Against Profane and Promiscuous Dancing..." -- circa 1684

By Increase Mather

(The social life of New England was strictly limited by a Puritan leadership that was anxious to avoid the sinful frivolities—as they were supposed to be—of life back in England. However, within the narrow limits prescribed by rigorous codes in almost every colony, there was still room for disagreement on the nature and value of expressions of merriment. Thus, although as early as 1625 John Cotton could express the moderate view that "dancing (yea though mixt) I would not simply condemn," almost sixty years later Increase Mather could condemn it not only simply but absolutely in his "Arrow Against Profane and Promiscuous Dancing". This strange work, which proclaimed all mixed dancing to be intolerable, was prompted by a discussion with fellow ministers on the subject. The "Arrow" filled 30 pages; the sharpest paragraphs are reprinted below.)

Concerning the Controversy about Dancing, the Question is not, whether all Dancing be in itself sinful. It is granted, that Pyrrhical or Polemical Saltation: i.e. where men vault in their Armour, to shew their strength and activity, may be of use. Nor is the question, whether a sober and grave Dancing of Men with Men, or of Women with Women, be not allowable; we make no doubt of that, where it may be done without offence, in due season, and with moderation. The Prince of Philosophers has observed truly, that Dancing or Leaping, is a natural expression of joy: So that there is no more Sin in it, than in laughter, or any outward expression of inward Rejoycing.

But our question is concerning Gynecandrical Dancing, or that which is commonly called Mixt or Promiscuous Dancing, viz. of Men and Women (be they elder or younger persons) together: Now this we affirm to be utterly unlawful, and that it cannot be tollerated in such a place as New-England, without great Sin.

And that it may appear, that we are not transported by Affection without Judgment, let the following Arguments be weighed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary.

That which the Scripture condemns is sinful. None but atheists will deny this proposition; but the Scripture condemns promiscuous dancing. This assumption is proved from the Seventh Commandment. It is an eternal truth to be observed in expounding the Commandments that whenever any sin is forbidden, not only the highest acts of that sin but all degrees thereof and all occasions leading thereto are prohibited. Now we cannot find one orthodox and judicious divine that writes on the Commandments but mentions promiscuous dancing as a breach of the Seventh Commandment, as being an occasion and an incentive to that which is evil in the sight of God.

Yea, this is so manifest as that the assembly in the larger catechism do expressly take notice of dancings as a violation of the Commandments.

The unchaste touches and gesticulations used by dancers have a palpable tendency to that which is evil. Whereas some object that they are not sensible of any ill motions occasioned in them, by being spectators or actors in such saltations, we are not bound to believe all which some pretend concerning their own mortification.

Now then, shall the gentiles, who had only the dark light of nature to show them what things are good and what evil, condemn petulant dancings? And shall Christians, who have the Scriptures and the glorious light of the Gospel to illuminate them, practise or plead for such works of darkness? And shall that abomination be set up in New England (the place where the light of the Gospel has shined so gloriously), which moral heathen have detested? The Lord lay not this great sin to the charge of any who have at all been guilty of it...

A Christian should do nothing wherein he cannot exercise Grace, or put a respect of Obedience to God on what he does. This in lawful Recreations may be done. 1 Cor. 10:31. But who can seriously pray to the Holy God to be with him when he is going to a Promiscuous dance? It is that which hinders Religious Exercises, especially for persons to go immediately from hearing a Sermon to a Gunecandrical Dance. It is a high degree of profaneness, and impudent contempt put upon the Gospel. The Devil thereby catcheth away the good seed of the Word, and the former Religious Exercise is rendered ineffectual...

Now they that frequent Promiscuous Dancings, or that send their Children thereunto, walk disorderly, and contrary to the Apostles Doctrine. It has been proved that such a practice is a Scandalous Immorality, and therefore to be removed out of Churches by Discipline, which is the Broom of Christ, whereby he keeps his Churches clean...

But will you that are Professors of Religion have your Children to be thus taught? the Lord expects that you should give the Children who are Baptized into his Name another kind of Education, that you should bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord: And do you not hear the Lord Expostulating the ease with you, and saying, you have taken my Children, the Children that were given unto me; the Children that were solemnly engaged to renounce the Pomps of Satan; but is this a light matter that you have taken these my Children, and initiated them in the Pomps and Vanities of the Wicked one, contrary to your Covenant? What will you say in the day of the Lords pleading with you? we have that charity for you as to believe that you have erred through Ignorance, and not wickedly: and we have therefore accounted it our Duty to inform you in the Truth. If you resolve not on Reformation, you will be left inexcusable. However it shall be, we have now given our Testimony and delivered our own Souls. Consider what we say, and the Lord will give you understanding in all things.


Full Text of Mather's "Arrow Against Profane and Promiscuous Dancing"